National Electoral Representatives Alignment

What is NERA

NERA is an initiative of the Aligned Council of Australia where every member of our community can voice their genuine concerns for this nation directly to our members of parliament via Representatives.

This initiative brings together our community leaders and supporters to empower them at the local electoral level to effect change.

Join the team & be a part of the solution

NERA has three distinct roles that work in harmony at the electoral level. These parts, when combined, create a powerful platform for our community to voice their concerns.

  1. Electoral Representative
  2. Community Representative
  3. Community Supporter

1. Electoral Representative

The Electoral Representative serves as a Community Advisor to the MP or Senator and the office of their Federal and State Electoral regions to ensure Australian Parliamentarians know the issues and the remedy for correction. This position requires the long-term growth of a professional relationship with the Electoral MP and their staff.

In May 2024, with the support of Australians across our land, NERA and the ACA Teams were able to address 60 electorates throughout Australia and stand together, requesting the Proposed WHO Treaties be rejected. This action resulted in the WHO being discussed in leading media as well as an Open Letter to the PM. The Open Letter formally requested Australia REJECTS the WHO Treaties and was signed by 14 Australian MPs and Senators.

Now, we are looking to expand to ALL electorates of Australia and to have ALL MPs and senators sign up to REJECT the WHO Treaties and reinstate Australia’s self-governance!

The goal is to have a NERA Electoral Representative aligned with each;

  • Federal Electorate Member of Parliament (MP)
  • State Electorate Member of Parliament (MP)
  • State Electorate Senator

As the Nations MP’s and Senators are time-poor and not fully informed of the implications, the NERA Electoral Representative will endeavour to provide the required researched, legal documentation to ensure our MPs and Senators can wisely stand in parliament on behalf of their electorate and reclaim the Australian freedom of self-governance on all levels.

All NERA Reps must follow the Code of Conduct when working with office Staff to ensure positive bilateral communication.

If you believe you have what is required to be an Electoral Representative, Please Sign Up. We look forward to working with you.

2. Community Representative

The Community Representative ‘gathers the troups’ to assist the Electoral Representative. By connecting local groups and individuals, the Community Rep helps to bring awareness and change by implementing national campaigns in their communities.

Volunteers help to facilitate local community groups to bring them together to action various campaigns and tasks designed to educate their local politicians on the 2024 International Health Regulations and the new draft of the Pandemic Treaty.

The goal is to have a NERA Community Representative that will;
  • build cooperation between community groups on this topic
  • promote resources for use by the communities and groups of the electorate
  • coordinate ACA National Events within the electorate’s communities and its groups
  • offer support to the NERA Electoral Representative, ensuring they are taken seriously

Our electorates and their communities have been under enormous pressure from all sides. NERA and the ACA offer action and hope to those who have felt alone, looking for others concerned about the WHO and its outcomes for Australia.


What qualities are needed?

To ensure the NERA Community Representatives are ready for the task and able to stand in a challenging environment, all Representatives will need;

  • to know their Electoral Office, MP and Senators
  • to have a good understanding of the WHO, its agenda and its processes
  • work within community group/s
  • be a people person with excellent organisational skills
  • ability to problem solve with a good sense of humour
  • conduct themselves in a respectful manner in line with the NERA Code of Conduct*

3. Community Supporter

As a Community Supporter, you can champion your Electoral Representative and Community Representative to bring your voice before the MPs and Senators.

  1. Register as a Community Supporter on the ACA website to ensure you receive all the updates and resources needed to help your Electoral Representative represent you.
  2. Come to the free webinars and hear what is happening from the ACA Team.
  3. Join in the National Events in your local areas, or become a host!
  4. Share what is happening and ask others to join.

Please wear your community group hats and T-shirts, such as TPR or Stand in the Park, to help connect with other like-minded people.

We are up against a well-organised opponent, but history has shown that when the People rise up, we are a force that prevails.  Together we are stronger!

Thank you for being a part of the change. Sign Up and let us know how you would like to support the community, Electoral Representatives and Community Representatives.


Aligned Council of Australia (ACA) will invite the NERA Community to webinars that will inform you of what is happening, equip you to make a difference and keep you updated on the outcomes. We have social pages that you can join to stay up to date.

Code of Conduct

  • First Impressions matter; you only have one chance at a first impression. When greeting people from all walks of life, please greet them with a smile and eye contact to show respect to the man or woman in front of you. This indicates that you are engaged and aware, and they are more likely to interact with you positively.
  • Attitude is felt and can be contagious. Attitudes of justice, hope, and gratitude create confidence that can help others around you be courageous. So be courageous!
  • Presentation: We all have our own style, which makes us unique. Please remember to be clean, tidy, modest and not offensive. It’s the little things that go a long way.
  • Language is made of tone and words. Please ensure your tone is appropriate but respectful at all times, and refrain from swearing when addressing groups and politicians, as you will lose creditability.
  • Behaviour is to be respectful, honest, and always have integrity.
  • Teamwork is critical to achieving the goal. Cultivate supportive and open communication with others and their ideas.
  • Communication is essential for effective operational proceedings. Keep in contact with your support lines. You need to be open to communicating with others on the team to ensure team productivity and morale.
  • Complaints are to be emailed to the National Co-ordinator for investigation and to discuss remedies. If the remedy cannot be found, the situation may result in a team member being excused from the role.


Please use The Memorandum of Information resource when making contact with your MP. It is a useful introduction to the reasons why we want them to give this matter their immediate and focused attention, and explains the W.H.O. treaty details.

Sign Up to NERA