Thank you for clicking on our Donations page!

We currently have 3 campaigns you can contribute to, and you can see the amounts donated, and our target amounts for each campaign when you click on their respective tiles. These payments are all processed through STRIPE.

If you prefer to make a deposit directly into the bank, we also welcome direct debit. We’re currently using the Commonwealth Bank for our banking needs (and are in the process of exploring community bank options). You can either deposit online, or take your lovely cash to your closest Comm Bank and deposit with a teller.

Our bank details are;
BSB 063 545
A/- 1043 1570

Thank you for your support. We are volunteer organisation, and 100% of funds received go to paying for our campaigns to inform and raise awareness to REJECT the WHO.

Funds are needed to pay for flights from the US for Dr David Bell plus accommodation. We are currently negotiating terms and availability with other international speakers.
We have billboards scheduled for 9 locations around Australia, on dates ranging from 15 April until 13 May. Our Billboards will feature in prime locations, including freeways accessing airports, and CBDs. We have multiple billboards scheduled to go live in Canberra during Parliament’s next sitting week commencing on 13 May.
Our Melbourne based printer is printing high gloss double sided A5 flyers (flyer can be found on our ACTION page) which will be distributed to every capital city around Australia. Funds are required to cover printing and distribution costs. Please note this amount is for printing 2 million flyers.